El-Tor Weather April
To help you choose the best time to travel, you can find climate data below on the weather in El-Tor in April.
average daily high | +28°C | |
average daily low | +17.2°C | |
sea temperature | +22°C | |
daytime | 13.2 h | |
average monthly precipitation | 0 mm | |
High season with the best weather conditions for the beach leisure in El-Tor are typically April, May, June, July, August, September, October.
Temperature in El-Tor
In April the average daily maximum in El-Tor is +28°C, and the minimum +17.2°C.
Best beach resorts in April:
Daylight hours
There are 13.2 hours of daylight in El-Tor in April.
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Sea temperature
The average monthly temperature in the Red Sea on the beaches of El-Tor in April is +22°C.
The water is warm enough for nearly everyone to bathe in.
In April, there is no rainfall whatsoever.