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Liguria Weather May

To help you choose the best time to travel, you can find climate data below on the weather in Liguria in May.

Liguria Weather May:GenoaSanremo
day temperatureaverage daily high+20.5°C+19.4°C
night temperatureaverage daily low+14.1°C+13.4°C
sea temperaturesea temperature+17°C+17°C
Daylight hoursdaylight hours15.4h15.6h
sunny hours per daysunny/overcast hours7.1/8.3h7.4/8.2h
average monthly precipitationaverage monthly precipitation76 mm54 mm

Best places in Liguria

Temperature in Liguria

The average daily maximum in May is +20.5 — +19.4°C, and the minimum +14.1 — +13.4°C.

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Best places in Liguria:





Cinque Terre

Diano Marina

Finale Ligure

Sestri Levante


La Spezia



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Sea temperature

The average monthly temperature in the Ligurian Sea on the beaches of Genoa in May is +17 degrees and on the beaches of Sanremo +17 degrees.

The water is considered very cool, but some hardy people might bathe in it for 10-15 minutes.

Liguria climate by month


The normal amount of precipitation for May is from 54 to 76 mm, which may cause a change of plans on certain days.