Kirovograd Weather July
Kirovograd is located in humid continental climate zone that is known for significant seasonal temperature variations warm or even hot summer and cold winter with roughly similar amounts of rainfall.
To help you choose the best time to travel, you can find climate data below on the weather in Kirovograd in July.
average daily high | +26.8°C | |
average daily low | +14.9°C | |
daytime | 16.3 h | |
average monthly precipitation | 69 mm | |
Temperature in Kirovograd
In July the average daily maximum in Kirovograd is +26.8°C, and the minimum +14.9°C.
The hottest July day on record is +38.1°C, and the coldest +6.4°C.
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Daylight hours
There are 16.3 hours of daylight in Kirovograd in July.
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The amount of precipitation in Kirovograd in July is usually 69 mm, which may cause a change of plans on certain days.