Cienfuegos Weather July
To help you choose the best time to travel, you can find climate data below on the weather in Cienfuegos in July.
average daily high | +32.2°C | |
average daily low | +22.2°C | |
sea temperature | +27.2°C | |
daytime | 13.7 h | |
average monthly precipitation | 122 mm | |
The best weather conditions for the beach leisure in Cienfuegos are typically January, February, March, April, December. Best season with the soft weather for the sightseeing and long walks are January, February.
Temperature in Cienfuegos
In July the average daily maximum in Cienfuegos is +32.2°C, and the minimum +22.2°C.
The hottest July day on record is +35°C, and the coldest +20°C.
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Daylight hours
There are 13.7 hours of daylight in Cienfuegos in July.
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Sea temperature
The average monthly temperature in the Caribbean Sea on the beaches of Cienfuegos in July is +27.2°C.
The water is not only warm enough to bathe in, but it is also possible to stay in the water for an extended amount of time.
The amount of precipitation in Cienfuegos in July is usually 122 mm, which may ruin part of the trip.