Berdiansk Weather December
Berdiansk is situated in humid subtropical zone which is known for warm weather during summer time with high humidity and soft and cool winter with short rainfalls.
To help you choose the best time to travel, you can find climate data below on the weather in Berdiansk in December.
average daily high | +1°C | |
average daily low | -3.5°C | |
sea temperature | +1°C | |
daytime | 9.2 h | |
sunny / overcast hours | 1.6 / 7.6 | |
average monthly precipitation | 49 mm | |
High season with the best weather conditions for the beach leisure in Berdiansk are typically July, August.
Temperature in Berdiansk
In December the average daily maximum in Berdiansk is +1°C, and the minimum -3.5°C.
The hottest December day on record is +14.1°C, and the coldest -24.5°C.
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Best beach resorts in December:
Daylight hours
There are 9.2 hours of daylight in Berdiansk in December. Out of these, on average 1.6 are sunny, which means the sun is almost never visible.
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Sea temperature
The average monthly temperature in the Sea of Azov on the beaches of Berdiansk in December is +1°C.
The water is very cold and only suitable to bathe in shortly for the most hardy people.
The amount of precipitation in Berdiansk in December is usually 49 mm, a negligible amount.