Aosta Weather April
The following ski resorts are located close to Aosta: Pila-Aosta, Gran Paradiso, which are usually open until the beginning of April, although it is not certain that there will be enough snowfall at this time.
To help you choose the best time to travel, you can find climate data below on the weather in Aosta in April.
average daily high | +15.4°C | |
average daily low | +6.5°C | |
daytime | 14.1 h | |
average monthly precipitation | 63 mm | |
Temperature in Aosta
In April the average daily maximum in Aosta is +15.4°C, and the minimum +6.5°C.
Best ski resorts in April:
Daylight hours
There are 14.1 hours of daylight in Aosta in April.
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The amount of precipitation in Aosta in April is usually 63 mm, which may cause a change of plans on certain days.