Corsica Weather December
To help you choose the best time to travel, you can find climate data below on the weather in Corsica in December.
Corsica Weather December: | Ajaccio | Bastia | |
average daily high | +14.7°C | +14.5°C | |
average daily low | +5.5°C | +6.3°C | |
sea temperature | +15.6°C | +15.3°C | |
daylight hours | 9.7h | 9.6h | |
sunny/overcast hours | 3.7/6h | 4.1/5.5h | |
average monthly precipitation | 76 mm | 93 mm |
Temperature in Corsica
The average daily maximum in December is +14.7 — +14.5°C, and the minimum +5.5 — +6.3°C.
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Sea temperature
The average monthly temperature in the Mediterranean Sea on the beaches of Ajaccio in December is +15.6 degrees and in the Tyrrhenian Sea on the beaches of Bastia +15.3 degrees.
The water is cold and only apt for bathing for the most hardy people.
The normal amount of precipitation for December is from 76 to 93 mm, which may cause a change of plans on certain days.